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Michael Onslow, London therapist
Michael Onslow BACP registered member
Michael Onslow accreditied member of ncps

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”

Sigmund Freud

I am a London therapist offering sessions in person, with online therapy available to anyone in the UK.

If you're visiting this website, it’s possible you are finding things difficult to cope with and would like to make more sense of the challenges you face.

I know that trying to live with anxiety, depression, trauma, or problematic relationships can feel overwhelming - even claustrophobic - and it’s difficult to know how and where to start.

In a compassionate, non-judgemental environment, I offer a caring and confidential practice that will give you the support and understanding you are needing. We will have time and space to explore the difficulties you're going through and give you back clarity, choice and control.


By looking at what's contributing to your difficult feelings and emotions, we will unlock the underlying reasons behind the problems you are facing and together, through developing our understanding, bring about the lasting change you need.​


However difficult things are, you can talk to me, in confidence, knowing I will always want to be with you to support, listen and help.

First Contact

Taking the initial steps can be daunting. Please feel free to contact me, with any questions or concerns, without obligation to continue.

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